Tag Archives: behaviours

The Power of the Unconscious – Do Subliminals Work?

Subliminal messages are said to be messages or signals that surpass the conscious mind and directly goes to the unconscious mind of human beings. What makes some people doubt the effectiveness of subliminals is that they don’t really “feel” or “experience” the detection and interpretation of the subliminals. But what can they expect from messages that are meant to target the unconscious, right? Do subliminals work? What are the proofs that they do or they don’t? Several debates and controversies have risen in lieu of the power […]

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The Power of Subliminal Messages

Information that is processed in the subconscious part of the brain – also known as subliminal messages can actually influence a person’s attitude and behavior. This finding was revealed in a recent study conducted about the subject. The results also suggests that some subliminal messages may produce effects that are opposite than expected. For instance, subliminal exposure to the image of a flag tones down instead of intensifying political attitudes. Researchers from the Psychology Department of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem state that the studies they have […]

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