Subliminal Messaging Help

Black or White Manipulation

There are a lot of movies, stories and news today about alien abductions and other paranormal happenings. Telekinesis, mind […]

Subliminal Messaging FAQs

Subliminal Messages on Your PC

Subliminal Messaging Tips

Silent Subliminals – How Effective Are They?

Subliminal messages are said to be effective in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Ericksonian Hypnosis. Neuro-Linguistic Programming or NLP is a psychological therapy in which words are said to have an impact on people’s thinking and internal images. Ericksonian Hypnosis, on the other hand, is a very tender yet very effective form of hypnosis. It creates supportive and affirming messages that are designed to provide both unconscious and conscious experiences of reflective and philosophical change. A lot of people are still doubtful about the effectiveness of subliminal messages. The […]

Mephisto Subliminals Making Life Easier

Life is very demanding. You are given a lot of expectations from your family, friends, co-workers and society. There are a lot of things that you want to do or have to do, but yet you fail to do so just because of the lack of self-discipline and the will to do it. But what if there’s a way to empower yourself and be able to accomplish your goal? Subliminal messaging has been used since early 1900’s. It is one effective way to achieve results of action […]

A Subconsciously Complex World

There is a cliché that goes as “to see is to believe”, which is much true in this world where most people are visually inclined and proofs of existence is vital to live. Having faith into something that’s unseen is often questionable by society. So would you believe someone if he tells you that you can change your life by listening to a message that you can’t even hear? What Message? Louder Please! Subliminal messages are messages that are embedded into another media for it to be […]

The Power of Subliminal Messages

Information that is processed in the subconscious part of the brain – also known as subliminal messages can actually influence a person’s attitude and behavior. This finding was revealed in a recent study conducted about the subject. The results also suggests that some subliminal messages may produce effects that are opposite than expected. For instance, subliminal exposure to the image of a flag tones down instead of intensifying political attitudes. Researchers from the Psychology Department of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem state that the studies they have […]